Normal Development: 4 Year Olds
Physical Development
- Hops, runs,skips, climbs with increasing skill.
- Tires easily.
- Is accident prone.
- Likes making loud noises, but is frightened by unexpected sounds.
- Goes to the bathroom without help.
- Makes designs and draws recognizable objects.
- Can use blunt scissors.
- Dresses self (with exception of shoes)
Emotional Development
- Sometimes still acts like a baby.
- Show new fears (becoming more aware of dangers).
- Enjoys silliness.
Social Development
- Refers to parents as final authority.
- Continues to test parental limits
- Uses naughty words to see how others react.
- Is ready for group activities.
- Talks "with" another child, but does not listen to what other child says.
- Is comfortable with other children, but reluctant to share.
- Tattles and name calls.
- Imitates adults.
Mental Development
- Is more likely to solve problems through words that aggressive action.
- Has a vocabulary of about 1,500-2,00 words.
- Speaks in 4 to 5 sentences.
- Likes funny exaggerated stories.
- Can count to 5.
- Identifies some shapes.
- Can understand some concepts of time (yesterday, today, tomorrow).
- Often asks "why".
- Usually can put toys away without adult help.
- Insists on finishing an activity or project.
- Likes to help with simple tasks
- Starts to know difference between right and wrong.
- Shows growing ability to tell real-life from make believe.
- Tell tall tales, but cannot always tell the difference between truth and lies.
- Believes the nly viewpoint is his or her own.
- believes 2 unrelated events can have a cause-effect relationship.
Normal Development: 5 Years Old
Physical Development
- Begins to lose primary (baby) teeth.
- Displays left or right handedness/
- Build elaborate structures.
- Tires easily.
- Bathes, eats, dresses, toilets without help.
- Begins to participate in semi structured games.
- Enjoys active games and movement.
- Enjoys playing noisy rhythm instruments.
- Is curious about reproduction and birth.
Emotional Development
- Starts to express more feelings in words.
- Embarrasses easily, and cannot yet laugh at self.
- May have feelings about death.
- Shows guilt over misbehavior.
- Likes independence.
- Is serious and dependable.
Social Development
- Follows more rules and regulations.
- May tattle, nave-call, hit and shove at times.
- Cooperates in simple group tasks.
- Likes to please adults.
- Takes turns during playing and speaking.
- Gets along with other children.
- Is keenly interested in family activities.
Mental Development
- Starts to recognize letters and words.
- Keeps up activities o ver longer periods of time.
- Has developed a self-image.
- Craves facts.
- Names simple colors.
- Understands left from right.
- Has a vocabulary of about 2,000-2,500 words.
- Can help with chores.
- Can learn address and phone numbers.
- Can think some things through.
- Can count to 10.
- Starts to understand concept of opposites.
- Can speak in sentences of 6 to 8 words.
- Can tell coins apart.
- Engages in elaborate dramatic play.
- Understand concepts of morning, afternoon, night, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
- Is Better able to tell make-believe for real life.